Friday, December 24, 2010


Weight: 202.5 lbs.

Height: 5' 8"

BMI: 30.08 (just .08 from no longer being "obese")

Plan: Balanced, reasonable meals, and moderate exercise when able. 

This season is tough to lose weight so my goal is maintenance for the next week. 

Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Ho Ho Ho, or just Holidays everybody!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mind Over Matter

So stress is the last thing anyone wants. Somehow lately thats all I get, so finding a way to get rid of it has been my goal lately.

So when I am feeling like my head is ready to blow up, first thing I think is just take it day by day. Stress leads to stress. The more pressure you put on it, at least in my mind, the worse it is and the more I think about it.

Secondly working out. I guess that should be first. Sometimes, its the last thing you want to do when you are ready to split. The best thing about it, though, is that it always makes me feel better. Not only for the fact that exercise releases those AMAZING stress relieving endorphens, but also its a distraction. When I am on a treadmill, the last thing on my mind is that  bill I have to pay.

I get the best workouts when I am pissed off. I take out all of my frustrations out on those weights. Every lift, or push, is proof that I am where I need to be. Every hit to the punching bag is, knockout to that jerk who cut me off, or that guy who said one thing and did the other. I like to think of myself as an overall happy person, and I think this is why. I take my frustrations out when I chose to. I chose to turn my frustrations into something positive. A harder, more productive workout.

Your body only does what your brain tells it to. So really, the only thing to consider isn't the burning in your legs, or the hard breathes you are taking. Its, how much do I want this. Tell your body to go out and kick some ass and I will do the same. In the end whether my goal was weight loss, looks, health or just to get out off the house. For some reason after a good workout I just feel happy. I guess really, happiness, is the best goal to shoot for.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gotta Push it

So, so far the week hasn't went precisely to plan. Did back and biceps Sunday, Cardio on Monday, and Cardio and Legs on Tuesday. It may not be exactly what I wanted or as hard of a push as I wanted but a smart man said;

"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"

Basically its better to have high goals and fall short, then to not have aspirations at all. If you don't push the limits you never know what your limits are.

Even though I haven't stuck to plan I can tell that what I have been doing is still working. Have more energy, and guess what my Gluteus OH SO Maximus is soar from those squats and Leg presses. Biceps are still soar when flexing which is awesome. The main way I can tell if I have pushed myself hard enough on an arm work out is, if I have a hard time putting deodorant on.

Still in my opinion the most important thing for weight loss is a healthy ratio. Almost everything in moderation. Especially when considering nutrition. Nutrition is more important in weight loss then exercise. I would say 80% Nutrition 20% Exercise.  There is a maximum you can work out before your body gives up, but you can shove your face with calories all day long. Speaking of which I have some Chicken Non-parmesan cooking away in the oven. Basically Breaded some chicken breasts with bread crumbs and spices and let baking in with some tomato sauce. Mmm Mmm. I can't wait for it.

So No pain, No gain. Let's Go!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stats for Sunday Dec. 12th, 2010

Weight: 206 lbs.

Height: 5" 8'

BMI: 31.3 (obese)


                  Sunday:       Gym at 10am - Cardio, Back and Biceps
                  Monday:      Gym at 8am - Cardio, Legs and Abdominals
                  Tuesday:      Gym at 8am - Cardio, Chest and Triceps
                  Wednesday: Gym at 6am - Cardio
                  Thursday:    Gym at 4pm - Cardio, Back and Biceps
                  Friday:         Gym at 8am - Cardio, Legs and Abdominals
                  Saturday:     Gym at 6am - Cardio, Chest and Triceps, Cardio

Pretty Good Considering I only did three days last week. These were my stats from Saturday, Dec 4th, 2010

Weight: 211 lbs.

Height: 5" 8'

BMI: 32.1 (obese)

My 2010 Update

So yeah, i never got any better at writing a blog, and I probably won't. But at least I am trying.

So I am back up to 210lbs. I am pretty dissapointed in myself. Not in the fact that I got up to 210, but that I wasn't working out or eatting healthy. Stress this year hasn't helped.

So my 2010. It has been a tough one. A lot of changes happened in my life. First and foremost I realized that I am up for more than what I usually plan.

February 14th, 2010 I started dating Michael. Yes Michael, not michelle or some other pronunciation. He and I are coming up to our 1 year anniversary and there has been a lot of ups, with some pretty low downs. But its understandable as this is my first relationship of this "caliber". Unfortunately, not everyone is as accepting as I thought and, I lost a lot of friends with the change. But in the meantime I realized that my family was way more accepting than planned. No punches were thrown, or evil glares. tadaa.

Secondly, I am still trying to get my reno's done on the house. I need to sell the place this year. Fingers crossed, and maybe some divine intervention and that will happen.

Now back to fitness, or lack there of. I let the stress of the year get to me. Instead of me pushing back, and working out to release some of the stress relieving hormones, I slipped, stayed off the wagon and couldn't get back on.

I started working out at Body Basics in downtown Red Deer. Nice gym, very open. MY BODY KILLED after a 3 day stint in full blown, Matt can handle anything type workouts. Left my chest, arms, legs achy for 4 days. I am going back to the gym tomorrow and then a staff meeting at night.

So I am planning to post regularly now. Thanks for the quick update. I will post my stats tomorrow too. And keep all of you guys on my back. if you can at all. Text, email, FB, yell at me to keep going.

Thanks Guys.