Monday, January 17, 2011

Food for Thought

So I just got back from my vacation, had a blast, enjoyed a few good walks on the beach. Some of that beach time was not good, as my phone went for a swim. (feel free to donate to the matt needs a new phone fund lol). Besides the point though, California had such variety of food. From fresh sushi, to some great Mexican food which got me thinking;

How much do you think about food. Well considering my yo yo weight loss I think about it constantly. But what I am really asking about is food planning and preparation. That is important. I am pretty easy because I can eat one thing every monday, every tuesday etc. While some people get bored and need to change it up every week.

What I have found easiest and most effective is I make a menu for 3 weeks. Each week has ingredients that can mix and match a bit, and I have a shopping list designated for each week as well. That way I don't go to the grocery store and do the "MMM that looks good" shop. I can stick to my list and better yet not forget anything. Then I just have to rotate weeks and on occasion change it up or throw in a Healthy takeout.

The other trick I like to do is set aside a few hours to prepare some grab and go dishes. Tupperware is my best friend on this day.. so is the freezer. The easiest on is soup or my favourite chili. Just prepare, let stew while your preparing a few other dishes then plate up and freeze. Second, I will usually precook a few chicken breasts cut them up and put them in a dish for easy protein salad topper or wrap ingredient.

So with all this I still like a pizzazz dish. One that just pops from the others. One of my fellow bloggers has some amazing ideas lots that work with the South Beach Diet... if thats what you are going for. Besides healthy dishes though.... they are delicious. Check her out

Well thats my food for thought.

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